Best Laid Plans

Photo of the phrase, "What Comes After Plan B?" written on a board with a faded picture of a man in a suit coat in the background.

A funny thing about plans, they never seem to work the way they were supposed to. How often have you thought, “Today I am going to get THIS JOB accomplished.” Then a child gets sick, the phone rings, your spouse yells from the bathroom that you forgot to buy toilet paper, so off you go…

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Hopefully It Was a Farewell Tour

Lynyrd Skynyrd

I think I have reached that point in life where being in the middle of 25,000 falling-down drunk rednecks listen to an even drunker has-been country singer cuss and spit on himself while trying to convince the audience that he is still cool and relevant is not so much fun any more.

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Why Can’t We Agree To Disagree Any More?

The other day I was on Twitter and was just overwhelmed by all the discord, hatred, and lack of logic. So I just started tweeting some thoughts. I’ve put them together in this post. I honestly can not figure out why any free speech demands only seem to apply to the party calling for free…

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A Stroll Down Via Dolorosa

Via Dolorosa street sign

This post was originally posted on my Oyler Creative business website blog on April 13, 2017. I am moving all of those personal blog posts over to this site to keep the Oyler Creative website completely business-related.   This morning I was privileged to be the speaker at the Butler chapter of Christian Business Partners.…

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Remembering my Mom

This post was originally posted on my Oyler Creative business website blog on January 18, 2017. I am moving all of those personal blog posts over to this site to keep the Oyler Creative website completely business-related. Yesterday marked the three-year anniversary of my Mom going home to be with the Lord. I was going…

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Grief and When
You Don’t Understand God

Photo of my dad, brother, and me from 1966. We were each dressed in coats and ties, so it was probably either Christmas or Easter; I was about 6 and my brother would have been 3 or 4.

I first wrote the following (don’t really know what to call it) 13 years ago. It took me a long time to come to terms with the loss of my Dad. And on this day of looking back and reflecting on my Dad’s legacy, I thought I would pull this out again. I also have…

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If You Ever Fall In Love

Black and white photo of Paul kissing Debbie.

This post was originally posted on my Oyler Creative business website blog on March 15, 2015. I am moving all of those personal blog posts over to this site to keep the Oyler Creative website completely business-related. And this is just as true today as it was then. I’ve seen this passage going around on…

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