This was a lame mash-up of Jack Reacher, whom I am well acquainted with, and Will Trent, of whom I had never heard. If I was new to both characters, this short story would certainly not induce me to want to read either of their adventures.
I’m sure this was a corporate idea to try to sell books to the other’s series, but if so, it failed in that respect. I would definitely recommend just skipping this story; it adds nothing to the Reacher timeline, and I’m guessing it adds nothing to the Trent timeline.
Based on the horrendous grammar, spelling, and run-on sentences, I wonder if this story went through any sort of editing process, or worse yet, was this even written by the attributed authors. The plot is very flimsy, with serious holes throughout. None of the characters are given any dimension and come across as flat and boring.
And the conclusion didn’t even manage to approach anti-climatic. I actually wondered if this was written by an AI and at a certain word count the story had to end.
Unless you are a diehard Reacher or Trent fan who absolutely MUST read everything, do yourself a favor and use your $3.99 to purchase something else.